Building Healthy Communities

Starts With You

Community Lifeline serves the Mason County community by providing meals, showers, and emergency shelter while connecting those in need with valuable resources and advocacy.

We provide 24/7, year-round, low barrier shelter for the adult unhomed. Our shelter provides stability, meals, hot showers, and clothing for near-term needs. We also invest in creating pathways toward permanent housing through case management, peer support, job training, education, and resource connection.

Community Lifeline is an access point for Coordinated Entry and the Homeless Management Information System database, and an emergency shelter to people in need. All guests receive an intake, vulnerability, and resource assessment, interface with case management, work with case management to create a person-centered plan for housing and resources, and receive a warm handoff or referral to community resources including health, mental health, addiction, and treatment, employment, education, and housing.

Our Organization

Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a volunteer or donor to our shared cause.